Category: blog
Here are some heplful tips on creating and maintaining a home with minimal allergens during the spring and throughout the year. 1. Change Air Filters Regularly The filters that are installed behind the vents in a house prevent the spread of allergens like dust and mold spores. When these filters are not changed every 30 to 60 days, they become saturated with particles that prevent the circulation of clean air. Changing the filters on a regular basis will ensure the proper function of a home’s HVAC system and the overall reduction of allergens in the air. 2. Use Bedding that… Read the Full Post »
Published on May 8th, 2012 | 05:22am | by Aaron Marvin | blog
There are many people out there that are probably more than capable of taking care the construction management part of their new home or remodel but most people don’t have the time or resources to do it by themselves. Many People that we talk to that have decided to undertake a large construction project on their own often go into it thinking that they will be able to save tons of money by doing so. This is all well and good in theory but often turns out to be false. What most people do completely realize is that contractors have… Read the Full Post »
Published on April 25th, 2012 | 05:22am | by Aaron Marvin | blog
There are only 3 things that a business is able to offer with their products. These 3 things are Price, Quality, or Service. The unfortunate side of things is that you are only able to have 2 out of the 3. This is where some decision making comes in on your part. Often times we are able to choose quite easily. Take Costco as an example, They are able to offer Quality Products at a good price but if you need a sales person out on the floor with all the answers about the product you are looking to purchase… Read the Full Post »
Published on April 19th, 2012 | 05:22am | by Aaron Marvin | blog
3-29-12 Welcome to our Blog. We are extremely excited of where we are going as a company . This blog will be used to keep the fans of A.C.T. Builders, LLC. informed and in touch with what we are up to. We are also planning on using this blog as a platform to educate people on different aspects of the construction process. One of the major problems that we continuously run into is that we are unwilling to tell partial truths and whole lies to get jobs. In just the past few weeks we have lost a job due to… Read the Full Post »
Published on April 19th, 2012 | 05:22am | by Aaron Marvin | blog