Sometimes the Solution is Home Remodeling

Category: Additions

Sometimes the Solution is Home Remodeling

Home Remodeling Plans

Sometimes the best solution is not to start over with a brand new house, but rather, to look at remodeling the house you currently live in.

Published on August 22nd, 2017 | 03:23pm | by shop-act | Additions, Remodels

Sustainable Home Design: Thinking Globally as You Build Locally

Solar Panels

Building a custom home or remodeling an existing home is not a small undertaking. Your emotions are involved, as too are your finances. You want to get it right, nailing down every detail, to ensure your dream home is the perfect place to live your life. But besides your personal needs and wishes, there’s another factor that is becoming more and more of an issue when you build a custom home or do a major remodel. That is your home’s impact on the environment, both locally and globally. Known also as sustainable design, green building is not just about saving… Read the Full Post »

Published on June 15th, 2017 | 03:23pm | by shop-act | Additions, Construction, Custom Homes, Remodels

The Difference Between Paint Finishes

Brush Painting Finish

One of the hardest decisions you will have to make for your new home or remodel are paint finishes. You look at them each day, so it’s important to know which options are best when it comes to your paint.

Published on October 26th, 2016 | 03:23pm | by shop-act | Additions, blog, Custom Homes, Remodels

Painting That’s Not Painful

Painting roller on wall

You’ve just purchased or built your dream home and now it’s time to make it your own—which usually means painting. Selecting that perfect color, however, can be a challenge.

Published on July 28th, 2016 | 03:23pm | by shop-act | Additions, Custom Homes, Remodels

Shining a Light on Window Styles

flowers in front of window

Moonlight floods the whole sky from horizon to horizon. How much it can fill your room, depends on your window. — Rumi, a historic Eastern poet A.C.T. Builders wants your custom-built or remodeled home to shine, both inside and out. And to shine, a home needs windows. Not just randomly placed windows that let in some light and little else — any builder can do that. Instead, we work to ensure that your home has well-designed, well-made and expertly installed windows, adding value, beauty and function for decades to come. Your job is to tell us which window styles out… Read the Full Post »

Published on February 18th, 2016 | 03:23pm | by shop-act | Additions, Construction, Custom Homes, Remodels

Roof Anatomy 101

Roof of House by the Ocean

The roof is the one of the main components keeping you and your family out of weather, yet the science of the roof and the pieces that go into creating a it are often taken for granted. This introductory article examines a few of the important terms that go into that all important covering.

Published on January 25th, 2016 | 03:23pm | by shop-act | Additions, Construction, Custom Homes, Remodels

A Roof Over Your Head

Composite Roof

What’s a house without a roof? In Oregon and Washington, it’s a very soggy, wet and cold place! Just as a museum would not hang a masterpiece without the perfect frame to protect and enhance it, A.C.T. Builders helps you choose the best roof for your new custom or remodeled home. The right roof on your home is like that perfect picture frame. It provides comfort and protection that complements the style, color, design, and age of your home. A great roof never just sits on top of a residence or commercial property. It enhances it, beautifies it and preserves… Read the Full Post »

Published on November 22nd, 2015 | 03:23pm | by shop-act | Additions, Construction, Custom Homes, Remodels

Should You Be Your Own General Contractor?

man assessing home

Can a dentist extract his own molar? Can a surgeon remove her own appendix? Can you act as your own general contractor? The answer to each of the above questions is: “Yes, certainly.” But the second question would be why?

Published on October 24th, 2015 | 03:23pm | by shop-act | Additions, Construction, Custom Homes, Remodels

Building a Good Rapport With Your Contractor


You’ve decided to build a custom home or do an extensive remodel. You’ve done your homework and you have all the pieces in place – a great plan, a fabulous location, and most important, the experience of A.C.T. Builders to make your dream remodel a reality. What comes next? Construction! And with construction comes many different professionals, tradespeople, contractors, sub-contractors, and various workers into your home and onto your property. What can you do to ensure a good experience for you, your family, your contractor, your neighbors and everyone involved? Putting yourself in the construction workers’ shoes, or in this… Read the Full Post »

Published on October 12th, 2015 | 03:23pm | by Aaron Marvin | Additions, Remodels

The Art of Less Stress Moving

Room full of moving boxes

Our job at ACT Builders is to create your dream home, and we’re good at our job. We are experts at taking care of every detail to ensure your new residence is all you hoped for. So while we do our part, what can you do to lessen the stress of the upcoming move to your new home? Is there even such thing as a stress-less move? Not likely, unless you’re a hermit crab. It’s pretty much guaranteed that either moving out from your home while it is being remodeled or moving into a new home will cause a touch… Read the Full Post »

Published on July 30th, 2015 | 03:23pm | by shop-act | Additions, blog, Custom Homes, Remodels

ACT Builders came in under budget with quality construction. We would unconditionally refer them to anyone building a home. Follow-up has been quick on the few items we noticed needing attention.” ~ Wally and Janelle

We contacted several builders in the Longview area for bids. We were most impressed with the flexibility of ACT. Our budget was limited and dreams unlimited. Aaron had great ideas, helping us to know where to put the extra dollars to make our home special. ” ~ Wally and Janelle

About A.C.T. Builders

We are an award-winning, premiere custom home builder & contractor serving Vancouver, WA; SW Washington; and the Portland Metro area. We specialize in custom home building, home remodels, and commercial construction projects. Utilizing our years of construction industry experience, we pride ourselves on providing quality solutions for each of our clients.

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Can Termites Ruin Your Home?

There is nothing quite as relaxing as coming home from a long drive or commute and getting close to your house. The streets are familiar, you know the houses so well, and your car practically drives itself home. You may pass by…

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A.C.T. Builders, LLC.

Vancouver Office:
6000 NE 109th Ave Vancouver, WA 98662
+1 360-975-0191

Woodland Office:
Woodland, WA
+1 360-225-9885

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