A.C.T. Builders Receives Best Of Houzz 2015 Home Building Award Over 25 Million Monthly Unique Users Rated Top-Rated Home Building, Remodeling and Design Professionals in the United States and Around the World [Vancouver, USA], January 20, 2015 – A.C.T. Builders of Vancouver, WA has been awarded “Best Of Houzz” for Customer Satisfaction by Houzz, the leading platform for home remodeling and design. The premiere custom home builder was chosen by the more than 25 million monthly unique users that comprise the Houzz community from among more than 500,000 active home building, remodeling and design industry professionals. The Best Of Houzz award is given in two categories: Design… Read the Full Post »
Published on January 21st, 2015 | 06:06pm | by shop-act | News
2014 has been one of the busiest years for our company since we started back in 2004. We took on several custom home building and remodeling projects for a group of fantastic clients over the past year. As a result, we produced, perhaps, some of the best work we’ve ever done. We were honored and immensely thankful to find out that our work caught the eye of the Building Industry Association of Clark County and the BIA chapter of the greater Washington state. The BIA was kind enough to help us end our year with several commendations across a variety of… Read the Full Post »
Published on December 26th, 2014 | 06:06pm | by shop-act | News

Embarking on a custom home project is one of the most exciting things a homeowner can be a part of. There are, of course, lots of things to consider, but at the top of the list is choosing the right home builder for your project. All builders work a bit differently from one another, and choosing the right one can be critical to the success of your project. Working with a team that produces high quality work is great, but if they can’t (or won’t) communicate with you in a timely fashion you can quickly end up feeling disconnected from… Read the Full Post »
Published on September 30th, 2014 | 06:06pm | by shop-act | Construction, Custom Homes
Mike Blondino of Blondino Design had this on his website, blondinodesign.com. I thought that it was fantastic information and was worth sharing with those of you reading our blog. 10 Ways of Reducing Building Costs 1. Fewer corners on exterior walls Limited number of exterior corners often can be found on homes designed with cost of construction in mind. Corners increase cost of material and labor in virtually every phase of the construction process. In value-engineered house plans the back and sides typically have no concave or convex corners. The distinctive architecture is found primarily on the front of the… Read the Full Post »
Published on March 21st, 2014 | 06:06pm | by shop-act | Construction
Now that we have completed our first home of the year we are breaking ground on the next. Between the additions, remodels and new builds we are on our way to accomplishing our mission — creating wonderful family spaces all around the pacific NW. We initially set out to with a fairly ambitious statement about how “We Create Awesome Stuff”. Over the past year all that experience and care for our client’s projects has led us as a company to realize there is a whole lot of truth in that statement. We continue to move towards our ultimate goal of… Read the Full Post »
This week is a very lively week for us her at A.C.T. Builders, LLC. We are just about all wrapped up with the addition out in Gresham. The interior painting is going today and we hope to have the flooring installed over the weekend. The custom home in Woodland is moving along great. the foundation is in and there is much more activity going on. By early next week we will be full on into framing and expect that we will soon again be back on track with our schedule. We have 2 new projects that are in the early… Read the Full Post »
As a custom home builder in the Northwest we work with a lot of different types of companies that revolve around the construction and home trades. We recognize the importance of creating a strong business network that will help our company grow and endure over the years to come. This desire to build connections keeps us hooked into the local real estate community to help extend our presence in Vancouver metro area. Kale Dunning, a real estate agent with Coldwell Banker, and I had the opportunity to sit down over lunch the other day and get to know one another… Read the Full Post »
Eco Friendly Building Materials Can Make All the Difference If you’re trying to be eco-friendly while building your dream home, you might think there’s no way you can compensate for the carbon emissions and resources that you use. However, if you stick to using green companies and you choose your building materials carefully, you could stand to create a truly environmentally friendly home. Make sure you consider eco friendly building materials including: 1. Bamboo Bamboo is an incredibly eco-friendly building material that can be used for a variety of building jobs. Whether you choose to go the whole hog and… Read the Full Post »
Published on March 7th, 2013 | 06:06pm | by Aaron Marvin | blog
The road to becoming one of the best home builders in the Northwest requires us to align ourselves with strong, healthy organizations that can help us to achieve those goals. We have been fortunate enough to make some wonderful connections through several organizations. We are absolutely thrilled to be a member of the NAHB 20 Clubs with the Pacesetters. We continue to grow as a company thanks to the ongoing support of the amazing members of the group. They continue to challenge us — helping us to look at where we are able to refine our processes and improve our business…. Read the Full Post »
WOW. I dont think that I have ever seen a moving company put so much attention into the care of their clients stuff. A-1 wraps all the doorways, stairs they literally roll out the red carpets all around you home, and they wrap each and every item in moving blankets. The attention to detail is nothing short of impressive. Check them out at a1premiummoving.com or like them on facebook.com/a1premiummoving I left our meeting on March 1 very impressed.