There is nothing quite as relaxing as coming home from a long drive or commute and getting close to your house. The streets are familiar, you know the houses so well, and your car practically drives itself home. You may pass by properties with stunning trees. Others have lovely paint schemes you’ve been admiring. And then you see a residence with…a Giant Colorful Termite Tent of Shame? A home infested with termites! In my neighborhood? Just a short distance from my house? Could I be the next victim, my home shrouded with the Termite Tent of Many Colors? Before you… Read the Full Post »
Published on August 6th, 2018 | 02:51pm | by shop-act | Home Maintenance

Sometimes the best solution is not to start over with a brand new house, but rather, to look at remodeling the house you currently live in.
Published on August 22nd, 2017 | 02:51pm | by shop-act | Additions, Remodels

Building a custom home or remodeling an existing home is not a small undertaking. Your emotions are involved, as too are your finances. You want to get it right, nailing down every detail, to ensure your dream home is the perfect place to live your life. But besides your personal needs and wishes, there’s another factor that is becoming more and more of an issue when you build a custom home or do a major remodel. That is your home’s impact on the environment, both locally and globally. Known also as sustainable design, green building is not just about saving… Read the Full Post »

Does your house have curb appeal? Does it put a smile on your face when you arrive home? Does it stand out in your neighborhood as an example of good design, solid construction and beautiful landscaping? Many people try to build these things into their home, but only when they decide to sell it! Why improve your home for the next family, when A.C.T. Builders can give you “curb appeal” right now? How do we define curb appeal? It means different things in different neighborhoods, because it definitely takes the surroundings into consideration. For some houses, more than aesthetic improvements are… Read the Full Post »
Published on May 16th, 2017 | 02:51pm | by shop-act | Custom Homes

A kitchen, in theory, is merely a room where food preparation takes place. But we all know that real kitchens are so much more. They are places to relax and refresh. Childhood memories created in kitchens are some of the most vivid memories we have. It’s where homework gets done, families regroup, soccer teams are fed and where friends bond over food and libations. Preparing for Your Dream Kitchen If it’s now time for you to build your dream kitchen, you’re probably very excited, yet a bit nervous too. You’ve been looking through design magazines, peeking at friend’s kitchens, and… Read the Full Post »
Published on February 28th, 2017 | 02:51pm | by shop-act | Construction, Remodels

You’re looking for a home. It’s a tight market. How do you locate a home while spotting red flags that an older house can sometimes bring?
Published on December 6th, 2016 | 02:51pm | by shop-act | Construction, Remodels
Aaron Marvin was honored with with a national award, the Council Award for Demonstrating Remodeling Excellence (CADREs), for Outstanding Council Chair from the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) Remodelers in 2016.
Published on October 26th, 2016 | 02:51pm | by shop-act | blog, News, Press

One of the hardest decisions you will have to make for your new home or remodel are paint finishes. You look at them each day, so it’s important to know which options are best when it comes to your paint.

You’ve just purchased or built your dream home and now it’s time to make it your own—which usually means painting. Selecting that perfect color, however, can be a challenge.
Published on July 28th, 2016 | 02:51pm | by shop-act | Additions, Custom Homes, Remodels

We often hear the term, “the house has good bones”, but what is meant by that statement and how do you know if your house meets those standards?
Published on June 27th, 2016 | 02:51pm | by shop-act | blog, Custom Homes, Remodels